The 15th European Microscopy Congress
Manchester Central, United Kingdom
was held on 16th - 21st September 2012
Spectroscopic data analysis
In all forms of spectroscopy, as in many other fields, several technological breakthroughs
have dramatically increased the amount, rate and precision of experimental data that
can be recorded. In parallel, there have been important advances in the field of
data analysis which can greatly assist in the task of extracting information from
multi-spectra datasets.
In this workshop, a brief introductory lecture will be followed by hands-on tutorials
on spectroscopy data analysis, including principal component analysis (PCA) and blind
source separation methods. Most examples will be taken from the field of analytical
electron microscopy (i.e. EELS and EDX) but the same methodology can be applied to
most multi-dimensional datasets. No previous knowledge is required. The attendees
are required to bring a computer. The software, which is open-source and runs in
Windows, Linux and Mac, will be provided during the workshop.